4 min read
Writing the Flou Tutorial

Hi, I’m ras! Welcome to my series On Flou.

In this post I’ll share my ideas and impressions about writing Flou’s Tutorial.

Why a Tutorial?

We’re realeasing the first open version of Flou with the intent of sharing it and gathering real external usage feedback. With the first users comes the need to communicate and explain what Flou is about and how it works.

We started by writting Getting Started explaining how to quickly setup a dev environment and get you running. It doesn’t get into details so the Documentation quickly followed. It’s written in a sequential fashion to be read in order and work as a reference for future lookups. It includes every implemented aspect of using Flou.

Once read the reader has an idea of what Flou does, but it doesn’t explain how to apply it to a real use case. Having talked with many startup founders and executives one of the biggest problems they have when starting new AI projects is how to get from zero to one. This is were the Tutorial comes in.

It is going to be focused on a single project and how to evolve the Network of Agents from a simple PoC into a fully usable app using most of Flou’s fundamental features. The idea is to show and explain the first steps of building a real project.

As it’s very early in the development of Flou we’ll be using the tutorial as dogfood to polish the first experience a developer has of Flou. ‘ll be documenting my impressions on what we need to work on next.

The project

We started analyzing a set of possible project ideas taken from real current apps ranging from pet projects to fully funded Series startups.

After brainstorming and evaluating these ideas we scored each option by:

  • approachability: how easy is the project and it’s workflow is to understand
  • performance difficulty: how easy it is to achieve quick good enough performance
  • features showcased: amount of Flou’s fundamental features showcased
  • extrapolation to real use-cases: how similiar the building workflow is to building similar projects

We choose a children’s bedtime stories wrtiter app.

At the end of the tutorial the users will be able to ask the app for a daily bedtime story for their children. They will be able to customize the stories and improve the writer on the go.

We will learn how to write a basic PoC and iterate into an efficient and feature-rich Network of Agents.

The tutorial will be divided in parts reaching an usable checkpoint after each one.

Part 1: writing a story

This first part, we will create a simple PoC. We’ll be prompting an LLM to write a short story and getting familiarized with using Flou.

The reader will learn how to set up a Flou project, create a distilled version of their Network of Agents and interact with it.

Part 2: daily customized stories

We will now focus on iterating our Network of Agents, creating a daily short stories and setting up customizations for our kids.

The reader will learn how to implement features from idea to a Network of Agents implementation.

Part 3: using the API & monitoring

We will leverage Flou’s API to create a real app and learn how to monitor it in production.

After the tutorial you will learn what Flou is capable of but also get a feel of the rough edges and missing features.

Community projects

We have an long lasting idea of creating community projects, where we showcase different use cases of Flou via creating open source projects that the community can benefit from. Not just from the final app but also from the building blocks and journey.

We want to open them so the community itself can iterate them creating strong solutions.

Contact me

If you’ve read the tutorial and have feedback or any questions about Flou please reach out to me at raskovsky@gmail.com.